How to create react app

In the bustling world of web development, efficiency and error reduction are key. That’s where Create React App (CRA) and TypeScript come into play. CRA offers a streamlined way to kickstart React projects, while TypeScript brings the power of type safety, making your code not only more robust but also easier to understand. This guide will walk you through integrating TypeScript with your React project using CRA, enhancing your development process with type safety and other benefits TypeScript has to offer.

Why TypeScript?

TypeScript has rapidly gained popularity among developers for several reasons:

  • Type Safety: By defining types for your variables and functions, TypeScript ensures that you use your code as intended, catching errors early in the development process.
  • Easier Debugging: With compile-time error checking, TypeScript helps identify potential issues before they become problematic, reducing runtime errors.
  • Enhanced Developer Experience: TypeScript’s intelligent code completion and suggestions based on types significantly improve the coding experience, making development faster and more enjoyable.

Getting Started with Create React App and TypeScript

Creating a new React project with TypeScript is straightforward thanks to CRA. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Creating a New Project: Open your terminal and run the command npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript. This command creates a new React project named my-app with TypeScript setup out of the box.
  2. Project Structure: Once the setup completes, you’ll have a project folder with a predefined structure. Key directories include src for your source files and public for public assets like your HTML file.
  3. Initial Setup: Ensure you have Node.js and npm/yarn installed on your system to work with CRA and TypeScript.

Configuring TypeScript with Create React App

CRA automatically configures TypeScript for you, but it’s helpful to understand some of the configurations:

  • tsconfig.json: This file contains TypeScript compiler options. CRA sets sensible defaults, but you may adjust these settings for your project needs.
  • Custom Configurations: Sometimes, you might want to customize the TypeScript configuration, such as setting up path aliases for more manageable imports. You can do this by editing the tsconfig.json file.

Developing React Components with TypeScript

TypeScript enhances React component development in several ways. Here are examples for both functional and class components:

  • Functional Components: Use the React.FC type to define functional components with typed props.
    interface MyComponentProps {
    title: string;
    content: string;
    const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ title, content }) => (


  • Class Components: For class components, type both props and state for full type checking.
    interface MyComponentProps {
    title: string;
    interface MyComponentState {
    content: string;

    class MyComponent extends React.Component<MyComponentProps, MyComponentState> {
    state: MyComponentState = {
    content: “Initial content”,

    render() {
    return (


Integrating Third-Party Libraries with TypeScript in a CRA Project

Working with third-party libraries is a common scenario, and TypeScript has you covered with DefinitelyTyped:

  • Using @types for Type Definitions: Install type definitions from DefinitelyTyped using npm or yarn (e.g., npm install @types/react-router-dom).
  • Handling Libraries without @types: For libraries without available type definitions, you can declare custom types or use any as a temporary workaround.

Debugging and Testing

TypeScript also improves the debugging and testing experience:

  • Debugging: Use source maps to debug your TypeScript code directly in browsers or IDEs like Visual Studio Code.
  • Testing: Configure your testing framework, such as Jest, to work with TypeScript for type-safe tests.

Deployment and Best Practices

Before deploying your project, consider these best practices:

  • Preparing for Deployment: Run npm run build to create a production-ready build of your project.
  • Best Practices: Keep your tsconfig.json clean, regularly update your TypeScript and type definitions, and organize your project files for scalability.


Integrating TypeScript with Create React App not only enhances your development experience but also leads to more reliable and maintainable code. By following this guide, you’re well on your way to leveraging the full potential of TypeScript in your React projects. Experiment, explore, and don’t be afraid to dive deeper into TypeScript’s features to elevate your web development journey.