How to Set up a Gatsby JS Project

Understanding Gatsby.js: Why Use It?

  • Static Site Generator: Gatsby transforms your React code into a static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript file collection.
  • Performance: Static sites generated by Gatsby deliver lightning-fast load speeds and enhanced user experiences.
  • SEO-Friendly: Pre-rendered HTML makes your content easily discoverable by search engines.
  • Ideal for Blogs: Gatsby’s strengths and the included ‘blog starter’ make it a popular choice for building blogs and similar content-driven websites.


  • Node.js (version 18 or newer): Download and install from
  • npm or yarn (package managers): These are installed along with Node.js.


  1. Global Gatsby CLI:
  2. Bash
  3. npm install -g gatsby-cli
  4. Use code with caution.
  5. content_copy
  6. Or, if you prefer yarn:
  7. Bash
  8. yarn global add gatsby-cli
  9. Use code with caution.
  10. content_copy

Creating Your Gatsby Project

  1. Using the Default Starter:
  2. Bash
  3. gatsby new my-awesome-project
  4. Use code with caution.
  5. content_copy
  6. Using the Blog Starter:
  7. Bash
  8. gatsby new my-blog
  9. Use code with caution.
  10. content_copy

Project Structure

  • content/blog: Houses your blog posts in Markdown format.
  • src: Contains React components, pages, templates, and utility functions.
    • components: Reusable React components.
    • pages: Components here become individual pages on your site.
    • templates: Reusable layouts for pages (like blog post templates).
  • gatsby-config.js: Site metadata, plugin configuration.
  • gatsby-node.js: Dynamic page creation, GraphQL node customization.
  • gatsby-browser.js: Client-side JavaScript for browser customization.

Running the Development Server

  1. Navigate into your project directory:
  2. Bash
  3. cd my-blog 
  4. Use code with caution.
  5. content_copy
  6. Start the development server:
  7. Bash
  8. gatsby develop
  9. Use code with caution.
  10. content_copy
  11. Your site will be accessible at http://localhost:8000

Key Concepts and Customization

  • GraphQL: Gatsby uses GraphQL to fetch data from various sources (e.g., Markdown files, CMSs).
  • Plugins: Extend Gatsby’s functionality with plugins for image optimization, data sourcing, SEO, and more. Find them on the Gatsby Plugin Library:
  • Styling: Gatsby supports various styling methods (CSS Modules, styled-components, etc.).

Wrapping Up

Gatsby offers a powerful, streamlined approach to building blazing-fast, SEO-optimized React websites. Its pre-rendering, rich plugin ecosystem and starter templates make it an excellent choice for developers seeking a performant and developer-friendly solution.