Heroku vs AWS Elastic Beanstalk

You’ve worked tirelessly to build an amazing web application. Suddenly, it goes viral. Your traffic surges, and your traditional web hosting setup creaks under the strain. Servers crash, the user experience suffers, and you scramble to find a solution. This is where the flexibility and scalability of cloud hosting shine.

Cloud hosting offers a powerful alternative to traditional hosting models. Instead of relying on single, physical servers, it uses a network of virtual servers spread across the globe. This allows for:

  • Pay-as-you-go Cost Models: Only pay for the resources you actually use.
  • Rapid Scalability: Instantly scale up (or down!) to meet demand.
  • Improved Security: Benefit from the expertise of large cloud providers.At a Glance Heroku vs. AWS
Feature Category Heroku AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Deployment & Management Heroku offers an app-centric and developer-friendly approach, supporting direct deployment from Git, GitHub, and CI systems. It provides an intuitive dashboard for app management.​​ Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing, and auto-scaling to application health monitoring.
Supported Languages Supports Node.js, Ruby, Java, PHP, Python, Go, Scala, Clojure, and more through official and third-party buildpacks.​​ Supports Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker, allowing for a wide range of applications.
Runtime Environment Uses smart containers called dynos for a managed runtime environment, ensuring that the system and language stacks are always up-to-date.​​ Provides a managed platform with automated scaling and integration with AWS services for a secure and scalable environment.
Data Services Offers fully-managed data services like Heroku Postgres, Redis, and Apache Kafka.​​ Integrates with Amazon RDS for relational databases and Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL. Also supports other AWS data services for comprehensive data management solutions.
Add-ons & Extensions Features a rich ecosystem with over 200 add-ons for extending app functionalities.​​ Supports various AWS services and third-party tools via the AWS Marketplace, offering extensive customization and extension capabilities.
Scalability Instant vertical and horizontal scaling with easy management through the Heroku Dashboard.​​ Elastic Beanstalk automatically scales applications up and down based on defined conditions, handling high availability across multiple geographic regions.
Collaboration & Control Offers secure collaborative environments and fine-grained access controls for team innovation and accountability.​ Provides IAM (Identity and Access Management) for secure access control. Elastic Beanstalk environments can be managed by teams with specific IAM roles and policies.
Enterprise Features Heroku Enterprise adds features for larger organizations, including private spaces, Heroku Connect for Salesforce integration, enterprise-grade support, and more.​​ AWS offers additional services for enterprises, such as AWS Direct Connect and AWS Identity and Access Management, along with support plans for operational and billing inquiries.
Continuous Delivery & CI/CD Supports Heroku Flow, Review Apps, and GitHub Integration for continuous delivery and efficient, visual shipping of applications.​​ Elastic Beanstalk integrates with AWS CodePipeline to enable continuous delivery and supports various CI/CD tools for automation.
Security & Compliance Ensures security with automatic OS patching, threat monitoring, and compliance standards (PCI, HIPAA, ISO, SOC). Offers Heroku Shield for additional security needs.​​ Provides compliance with multiple standards and offers services like AWS Shield for DDoS protection and AWS WAF for web application security.

Understanding Cloud Services: Heroku vs. AWS

While many cloud providers exist, two names dominate the space: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Heroku. Let’s break down their key strengths and tradeoffs to see which would better suit your needs:

  • Cost Models:
    • AWS: Typically offers a pay-as-you-go structure, giving granular control, but can be complex to calculate.
    • Heroku: Often a simpler pricing model, but potentially less flexibility for very specific resource needs.
Feature Heroku AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Pricing Model Dyno-based pricing with various types including Eco, Basic, Standard, and Performance. Prices are prorated to the second. AWS uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model for its services.
Eco Dyno $5 for 1,000 dyno hours per month, shared across all Eco dynos. N/A
Basic Dyno ~$0.01/hour, max $7/month. N/A
Standard-1X ~$0.03/hour, max $25/month. N/A
Standard-2X ~$0.06/hour, max $50/month. N/A
Performance-M ~$0.34/hour, max $250/month. N/A
Performance-L ~$0.69/hour, max $500/month. N/A
Data Add-Ons Data services like Heroku Postgres start at $5/month for a Mini plan, with costs prorated to the second based on usage. Variable based on the AWS service used (e.g., RDS, DynamoDB)
Billing Billing is based on usage, with all costs prorated to the second. The bill is for the previous month of use. Pay for what you use in the previous month.


  • AWS: Immense scalability options, but requires a deeper understanding of underlying infrastructure to adjust efficiently.
  • Heroku: Easy scaling to a certain point, but may need architectural changes for large-scale applications.
  • Security:
    • AWS: Shared responsibility model (you manage some aspects, AWS handles others). Offers granular security controls.
    • Heroku: A focus on ‘secure by default’ may mean less configuration control is needed, but it may also mean less flexibility in some cases.

Demystifying Major Cloud Providers: AWS vs. Heroku

Let’s take a closer look at the core tools and services offered by each platform, helping you understand what they offer under the hood:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): The backbone of AWS. EC2 provides virtual servers on-demand, giving you full control over operating systems, software, and configurations.
    • Use case: Running web applications, databases, or specialized software.
  • S3 (Simple Storage Service): Highly scalable object storage. Perfect for images, videos, backups, and static website hosting.
    • Use Case: Storing and delivering large amounts of media.
  • Elastic Beanstalk: The AWS equivalent to Heroku’s ease of deployment. Upload your code, and Elastic Beanstalk handles provisioning servers, load balancing, etc.
    • Pros: Simplifies deployment for developers who don’t want to manage infrastructure directly.
    • Cons: Offers less control compared to EC2 and can be less cost-effective for high-traffic applications.


  • Heroku Platform: Heroku’s core strength lies in streamlining the development and deployment process. It automatically provisions servers, sets up load balancing, and manages scaling.
    • Use case: Quick launch for web applications without extensive infrastructure knowledge.
  • Dynos: Heroku’s unit of measurement for scaling resources. You can easily add more dynos to boost your application’s processing power
    • Pros: Simplified resource allocation.
    • Cons: Can become expensive for compute-intensive applications.
  • Heroku Add-ons: A marketplace of pre-configured services (databases, monitoring tools, etc.) to augment your app
    • Use case: Expanding functionality without time-consuming setup.

Heroku vs AWS: Beyond the Basics

The core difference between Heroku and AWS boils down to control vs. convenience. AWS offers a vast array of services and granular configuration options. This makes it ideal for organizations needing maximum flexibility but involves a steeper learning curve. Heroku, on the other hand, prioritizes developer experience and ease of use, allowing you to launch applications quickly with minimal infrastructure worries. We have a simplified blog post on the topic here.

Decision Factors to Consider

  • Technical Expertise: Do you have a team well-versed in cloud architecture, or do you prioritize a developer-friendly experience?
  • Growth Potential: Does your application need to scale massively in the future? AWS offers more scalability headroom but requires careful planning.
  • Cost/Time Sensitivity: Heroku’s convenience often means a slightly higher cost for comparable resources. Is rapid deployment worth the premium?
  • Feature & Control Needs: Does your application demand very specific services or configuration options only available on AWS?

Section 5: Expanding Your Cloud Horizons

While AWS and Heroku are popular, it’s valuable to be aware of the broader cloud landscape:

  • Multi-Cloud Strategies: Combining strengths from multiple providers (e.g., using AWS for core infrastructure but Heroku for rapid prototyping).
  • Hybrid Cloud Options: Blending traditional on-premises servers with cloud resources for maximum flexibility and compliance.
  • Other Major Players: Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform offer robust alternatives worth exploring.

Making the Right Cloud Choice: Startups & SMBs

For startups and smaller businesses, the cloud choice often centers around ease of deployment, rapid iteration, and cost management. Let’s see how Heroku and AWS stack up in these crucial areas:

Startups: When Time to Market is King

  • Heroku’s Advantage: Its “push code and it works” approach significantly shortens the development cycle. Ideal when speed to market is paramount.
  • Elastic Beanstalk: A strong alternative if you prefer the power of AWS but want simpler deployment.
  • Keep in Mind: Heroku’s ease of use might lead to higher costs as your application scales. Regular cost optimization is key.

Growing Pains & Scaling

  • AWS for Scaling: Provides virtually limitless capacity but requires more upfront configuration and ongoing management.
  • Heroku Limitations: Scaling beyond a certain point may require architectural adjustments, making it less than ideal for apps that expect massive growth.
  • Hybrid Approach: Consider using Heroku for development and rapid prototyping, then migrating components to AWS for cost-efficiency at scale.

Budget Considerations:

  • Heroku: Predictable pricing but potentially more expensive in the long run for high-traffic applications.
  • AWS: Pay-as-you-go can be highly cost-effective if you optimize resource usage and take advantage of reserved instances (a commitment for lower rates).

Expanding Your Cloud Horizons

While Heroku and AWS are industry leaders, it’s wise to consider the bigger picture of the cloud computing landscape. Here are a few concepts worth exploring:

  • Multi-Cloud Strategies:   Businesses increasingly use multiple cloud providers simultaneously. This could mean using AWS for core infrastructure, Heroku for rapid prototyping, or leveraging best-in-class services from different vendors.
  • Hybrid Cloud Options:  For specific needs, combining traditional on-premises servers with cloud resources provides maximum flexibility. Certain security-sensitive data might reside on your own hardware, while public-facing applications benefit from cloud scalability.
  • Other Major Players: Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform offer compelling alternatives. Investigating their strengths could lead to better cost optimization or solutions tailored to your specific industry.

Key point: Don’t feel locked into a single provider. As your business evolves, so too might your cloud strategy.

Making the Right Cloud Choice: Enterprises & Large Businesses

For enterprises, the cloud decision is driven by long-term scalability, comprehensive security, and flexibility to support complex workloads. Here’s what to consider:

Security & Compliance

  • AWS Advantage: Offers a vast suite of security tools and certifications, appealing to highly regulated industries.
  • Heroku: While focused on security, it may not match the granular control demanded by enterprises needing to adhere to stringent security standards (i.e., HIPAA, PCI DSS).

Managing Complexity

  • AWS Expertise: Enterprises often have (or can hire) teams with the technical knowledge to manage complex AWS architectures.
  • Heroku Limitation: Simplicity, while a boon in many cases, can become a hindrance when dealing with highly customized enterprise systems.

Vendor Lock-In

  • AWS Awareness: AWS provides flexibility but can lead to vendor lock-in if you heavily rely on proprietary services.
  • Multi-Cloud Strategies: Large enterprises often distribute workloads across multiple providers for risk mitigation and to leverage specific strengths.

Hybrid Possibilities

  • AWS Backbone: Use AWS for core infrastructure needs, such as databases and large-scale processing tasks.
  • Heroku’s Niche: Ideal for specific internal tools or developer-facing applications where its simplicity and developer experience are prioritized.

Conclusion: Choosing Your Cloud Partner

The “best” cloud platform isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The choice depends heavily on your business goals, technical expertise, and long-term growth expectations.

  • Startups: Often benefit from Heroku’s rapid deployment and ease of use, allowing you to focus on building your product. Consider Elastic Beanstalk for the flexibility of AWS with some of Heroku’s developer-friendliness.
  • Enterprises: Typically gravitate towards AWS for its extensive services, security capabilities, and scalability. Carefully consider potential vendor lock-in and investigate multi-cloud options.
  • Everyone: Regardless of your needs, prioritize a provider that aligns with your technical capabilities and understands your business goals.